Every place you’ve ever gone has a piece of you in it.

We all desire and deserve that special connection, where we can truly realize that: You’re a part of everyone, you’ve ever loved.

Lawal Mustapha Olalekan
3 min readMay 25, 2022

The world (Our World) is hard enough to have any further personal struggles. But who doesn’t have one? I doubt if there is anyone of such. We are all buried in the middle of something, such ones that can be said and even such, that we dare not open our mouths to spill.

While individual problem always seems overwhelming and overbearing to each one of us, hearing someone else’s own would surely make you wonder and ask if you aren’t even far better than them. Same as when some others hear yours too.

It is the way of things here. In all these, one thing that is keeping us together and maybe even sane is our connection.

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Connection as in the free-flowing condition of sharing one’s presence with another. It is realizing that even when life throws you a season of solitude, you are never truly alone.

But It is said that maybe the most significant facts about our existence can only be discovered in isolation. But without expectations of people around us, we may also not realize who we truly are.

You understand what it’s like to be alone, but sometimes, It is not being alone that causes you to feel pinched and terrified. It’s loneliness at some other times, which sounds similar but is not the same feeling.

Loneliness is when you tell yourself that you are no longer worthy of connection. Loneliness is when you mistakenly assume that love is something you get when you’re good enough, something you get when you follow the particular and unyielding standards of people you’re most engaged in obtaining it from.

We all believe that because we live in such a technologically advanced world, we should be less lonely than before but the reverse is the case. We can not only stay in touch with everyone we know, but we can also see every element of their lives unfold in front of our eyes.

Photo by Tijs van Leur on Unsplash

Perhaps no human beings before this had ever seen civilization in such a way. But that very well might be the issue. We must have thought about what we lose in terms of context, and what we’d gain in terms of connection, but here we are, with both context and connection slipping off our hands.

But life is not a popularity contest, and it shouldn’t be about who is the greatest at something and how much so.

It should be about that genuine connection, which is the desire to come up precisely as we are and recognize that we are met exactly where we are. Without a filter, attempting to conceal our honest emotions.

When we have this sort of genuine connection, we are more likely to uncover a sense of connectedness that we could never piece together by looking at snippets of someone’s life. We will then come to realize that those unanswered questions, subtle fears, and deep curiosities are nothing but universal.

For how different we are and how much our experiences may vary, there is no human experience you can have that someone else has not had at least a similar version of.

We all desire and deserve that special connection, where we can truly realize that: You’re a part of everyone, you’ve ever loved. Every place you’ve ever gone has a piece of you in it. Even if individuals that care for you are no longer present in your daily life, you are still cared for.

