We meet to depart; we depart to meet again!

Lawal Mustapha Olalekan
4 min readOct 25, 2021

I've always wanted to come back here since a while ago, but who am I in the face of multiple stresses surrounding me (stress as a Nigerian, stress as a Nigerian student; even though I recently convoked🥰...)? Anyways, old things have passed away, as I'm here now (I'm back again!🏙🎺)

How have you been fam? I hope you’re doing well.

A wise man once said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step", but I think he forgot to add that " the journey of thousand miles ends with a step" also (well, no need to stress himself again as I helped him out already😇😜).

Around this time of the year 2016, I got a result of my application to study medicine at the prestigious better by far University(University of Ilorin). But as Nigeria and its systems never fail to disappoint I was offered provisional admission to study Human kinetics Education (career change is a stronghold of Nigeria universities, so I'm proposing they include it in their vision🤔).

Maybe in the future sha, we might be able to incorporate university doings into their motto. (E.g.: "Unilorin: we rebrand your future", OAU: we reshape your destiny, Unilag: we compensate your passion, UI: we redirect your talent"...)

Anyways, after so much persuasion (don’t ask me who persuaded me please 🙃), I accepted the offer of admission with the mindset that I’ll reapply for medicine the following year. Yes, I did reapply the following year (2017) but it was as if the forces of the universe conspired against me (as I was offered admission to another department; may be somewhat worse than where I was). So I accepted my plight and decided to move with it.

One thing that I know fully well about myself is that what I wouldn't attempt to do well, I won't attempt doing it at all, so since the day, I accepted the provisional admission for human kinetics, I had prepared to do it well. Whether I did it well or not, I'll leave that for you to judge (I hope you judge it well)!

On the 23rd of October, 2021, I eventually graduated after spending almost five years doing a four years course (all thanks to COVID, ASUU strike; yes unilorin joined ASUU before I graduated, quite sad!). Anyway, here we are!

Graduating during a public health crisis should not be considered a small feat (I trust you won’t even want to consider it small😏). We all had obstacles to tackle this year (from a pandemic, to strike, to academic stress, to mental health issues, to sapa and all). Without a doubt, we have conquered mountains as part of the Class of 2020.

So, to everyone with whom I’ve shared a class, a sit, a platform, relation, or anything else over four years, I’d like to reiterate that as individuals, and a group, we’ve been through a lot. We’ve learned to co-exist with some pain and elation. Do tasks we wouldn’t want to do, take up responsibilities bigger than our fold. Let me seize this opportunity to say a big thank you for the experience.

I believe every human connection is formed for a reason. I also believe that every individual carries an inner light and potential that can make the world a better place. I’m glad that I am connected with you, you lit my way with your ever-glowing light and I can say that the world is not ready for the potential you carry.

I equally believe that no man that's ever walked on land is perfect. Imperfections are part of what God infuses in us to make us human. I'm human, an imperfect but constantly learning, growing, and evolving one. So, as much as I try to hide and work on my imperfections, I might have shown you this humane part of me at one point of our connection, here I am, asking you to overlook these imperfections, point them out, and help me work on it. Judge me with my imperfections but don't crucify me; To err is to human.

As I said earlier, I believe every connection happens for a reason. Let's go into the world together, hand in hand, go conquer the world with our potentials and let our light be the inspiration to make the world a better place.

We indeed meet to depart, and we depart to meet again. So let's take this departure as we departing bottom to meet again at the top.

As Dr. Alex Akanmu always says - "SEE YOU AT THE TOP, IT'S TOO CROWDED AT THE BOTTOM!" Let's meet at the top please 🙏.

Here's to you all for inspiring me to do more without even knowing about it. I'll be forever grateful! Let's be friends, let's keep in touch, and let's empower each other to do more.

Yours ever,

Mustapha Lawal


"May the source of strength, who's helped those before us help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing".

